Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Morning Reading

Baby hasn't even been up an hour and she has all her books out. Love it!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Places You'll Go:: WOLFCG

My first addition of Places You'll Go!

Yes, yes, you can go anywhere you want with a book. But sometimes you just need to visit a real place. That's what I want to share with you. This type of blog post will be about the places we visit.

This first place is where we spent the last few weeks. Hubby was out of the country for work so Baby and I spent some time hanging out here. And we're going back this summer for our week vacation.

It's the Word of Life Family Campground.

We love it here. We've spent many years growing up on this campground. I've very excited about taking my family there for the first time (as well as some awesome friends!).

It's a place to sit back, relax, and getting immersed in the Word. A place to recharge. A place to grow as a family. A place to let your kids run wild (yes, you can!) with other kids, get connected with other christian kids, and form friendships that will last a life time.

During the summer weeks of camp there are usually 2 speakers that come each week. There are at least 2 meetings every day where you can sit under the leadership and teaching of men like Erwin Lutzer, Ray Pritchard, Stanley Toussaint, and many others. Performances happen once a week also. This year you get the privilege of seeing Bebo Norman in concert!

But for the past few weeks we've been helping the staff get ready for a busy, blessed summer.

Making sure the playground is ready for the kids!

Train's ready
So is the beach!
Working on the bookstore now.
Testing out the pool. We wouldn't want anything to go wrong with that now would we!?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Vacation and Changes

I apologize for the limited number of reviews or posts in the last month. We're on an extended vacation. As soon as we get back I'll start back in.

Keep checking back, things are changing and being added. I want to start posting my other finds besides books. Such as places, baby things, technology, etc. We have lots of things that we love and I want to share them with you! The first one will be where we are right now. Plus one of my favorite places of all times! We still love our  books and will share those regularly. : )

Welcome to summer!!! (Almost)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Book Review:: Raising Your Kids to Love the Lord

Did you know moms and dads spend between two and three thousand hours a year with their children while they're growing up? How are you spending that time?

As a new mom I was inundated with information on how to be the best parent ever, how to raise a successful child, how to get them to sleep through the night early on (ahem, what?), etc. Yes, all that is nice but my mother's heart just wants this little being to grow up knowing, loving and faithfully following our God. In the world today this seems like an impossible task, but Dave Stone writes Raising Your Kids to Love the Lord with simplicity, experience, humor and truth to show that it really isn't impossible any more. Besides this book, I would give this one to new parents. This is one I'd pass on. It will not only challenge you to be a better parent, but also a better person in the Lord.

"It's a simple principle, but an uncomfortable one if we take it to heart, our children will be more apt to love the Lord if we do."

That seems easy, right? But yet it hits you in the gut. It's not about what you do with your children, it is what you do about your children while they are watching. Stone goes through a number of topics from 'who you are when no one is watching' to 'the key' (yes, he has the key!) to raising godly children. He also provides the easiest, yet "most untapped resource available to parents": "if we love our families and want our children to grow up to be people who love the Lord, then praying for them ought to be as natural as breathing." Even easier than the first! Being a faithful parent isn't just about being the best there is, it's praying, communing with the One who is the perfect Parent. While going through various ideas, Stone also throws in things his family has done throughout the lives of their children. He has some wonderful ideas from date nights for parents (which he says besides your relationship with God the parental relationship should be the most important in a family) to date nights with your kids, trips with each child, teachable moments and some of the best discipline ideas I have ever seen. It's not as easy as it sounds nor is it guaranteed to work but with God's help and a prayerful parent,

"We can't know what the future holds or what our children may experience as committed Christians. But we can know that whatever life brings to them, filling their minds with the Word of God is a gift that will last a lifetime and beyond."

Disclaimer: I received this book for free from booksneeze.com for this review. Opinions expressed are my own.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Book Review:: Fearless

oblivious of dangers or perils or calmly resolute in facing them

I cannot remember that last book that made me literally laugh out loud then cry a few pages later. I cannot remember a book that has tested my faith quite like this one. The faith and strength of every person in this book amazes me. How God can weave the lives of the broken into a beautiful love story shouldn't surprise me but it's just wonderful. How God can take a man who hit rock bottom and make him an example of perfect love shouldn't baffle me but it's truly amazing. This is a book you don't want to miss. A story of a man who gave everything. Fearless by Eric Blehm.

It's the legacy of one of our most elite military personnel. It's the faith his family carried through hell and back many times over. It's the peace and healing God brings in the darkest times in our lives. It's a story worth reading.

Adam Brown had a can do attitude since he was little. He never backed down, cared deeply, defended the helpless, and loved like no other. From standing up for a boy with Downs Syndrome to providing shoes to Afghan children, Adam Brown was a hero when he was just doing what he felt in his heart was right. Fearless traces his rise to stardom in high school to his darkest days with drug addiction to redemption through his ultimate sacrifice. Adam became one of the greatest SEALs our nation has ever seen or had the honor of calling one of our own. All through this story his drive is evident. His determination to break free of his addiction. His push to enter the Navy despite his record. He blew through training to reach the top of his class. He would give up himself to protect his teammates during raids. And eventually gave his life for his friends, who he called family, during one of the most difficult and important terrorist raids. And he understood his sacrifice, his ultimate calling.Through all of this his friends and family who are telling his story define him with one word: FEARLESS.

"I'm not afraid of anything that might happen to me on this earth because I know no matter what, nothing can take my spirit away from me..."

Adam Brown wrote these words in a letter to his children that was to be read only if the worst happened. These are the words of faith from a truly fearless man.