Monday, November 26, 2012

Book Review:: The Girl in the Glass

"She took me to the looking glass in my room and stood me in front of it. 'You see that girl in the glass?' she said to me. 'You are the one who will say who she is..'"

Meg has been waiting for her father to take her on a trip to Florence since she was a little girl. Her parents divorced when she was young and left that trip hanging in the balance. Her love and faith in her father keeps her heart yearning for this trip. Promises broken leave her empty banking her heart on other people. Through various events orchestrated by her father land her feet on Florence soil. Friends and coworkers scoop her up when he, once again, fails to show. Meg comes to learn more about herself in the week she spends with people she's only seen on the computer screen while divulging in Florence beauty. Meg learns to hear what the past has to say. She learns who she is, with or without her father. She learns to let go of broken promises from the man she loves immensely regardless of what he does or does not do. 

This was one book I could not wait to finish! I hated putting it down. I just had to know if she ever makes it to Florence, what she does there, how the quiet love story plays out, how she discovers the truth about everything. And, of course, I now want more than ever to visit Italy and see what she saw. Sofia tells Meg that you can't ever take or leave Florence, she just goes with you. Yes, yes it does, even through the pages of a well written book. 

The only part of this book I didn't understand fully was the intertwining of Nora's story between the chapters of Meg's. Nora lived in Florence in the 1700's and Sofia is writing a book about Nora speaking to her through paintings and statues in modern day Florence. I understand that Susan Meissner probably intended for us to know more about Nora but it just didn't go anywhere with the rest of the book. But it didn't really take away from the book. Just something I didn't follow to tie into the story. 

Check out more about The Girl in the Glass.

Disclaimer: I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah for this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

This Pile...

Of Curious George books is headed back to the library tomorrow. Plus one very Hungry Caterpillar that became a fast favorite!

We love our library and hanging out with friends while there!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Justice's Mask by Louise Ayers

I am super excited to share a new book with you.

In fact it was just released this week.

But the reason I am so excited is that I know a published author!!!


And I'm proud of her.

Growing up this was her dream. She always talked about being an author some day. And she lived it.

Every year our youth group put on a play at church. Louise wrote and directed the play. They were always awesome and drew a crowd (Granted we were amateur, non-aspiring actors). We always had such fun.

If she wasn't writing something she was reading. I don't think I ever saw Louise without a book within reach.

Without further ado, here is the link to her very first published novel!!!!!!

I haven't gotten to read it yet, but I'm sure you won't be disappointed. And I'm not just saying that because we've been friends for, what, 15 years plus now. Seriously check it out. 

This is a journey I've gotten the privilege of seeing come to a joyous new road. I can't wait to see what is in store for her in the next few years!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Book Review:: Grieving God's Way

This book had been an option for me for a while to review and I had just scanned over it to get to the other books. But due to recent events in our lives I thought now was a good time to finally pick the book that had been staring me in the face.

I'm glad I did.

Margaret Brownley had suffered her own loss three years before penning Grieving God's Way. This is not only a helpful book for people deep in loss but it is also a personal journey for her.

Brownley takes you through 90 days of grief. 90 days to allow God to bring you out of the darkness into His light. 90 days to see the promises of healing and hope from God through the tears of searing loss.

Right from day one she acknowledges the pain and the grief as physical. Not many people will do that. Then she addressed the soul, heart and spirit. She takes the whole person and works toward healing with God.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Phil 4:13

I can't say how helpful this book will be for you. If you're hurting from a present loss or one from years ago, it would be a good book to get ahold of. Just try it, you may be surprised how much it could help. I really like how Brownley addressees the entire person not just the emotional side of loss and I think that's what helps the most. She recognizes this. 

This could be a healing journey for you.

Disclaimer: I received this book for free from for this review. All opinions expressed are my own.