"Jesus simply didn't want Martha to be so caught up in the Kitchen Service for Him that she missed out on the joy of Living Room Intimacy with Him"
How often do we find ourselves working on "something" for God? Get so wrapped up in the calling that you miss the Caller? In At the Feet of Jesus Joanna Weaver takes a whole year to get your heart back to being with Jesus. In this devotional, Weaver takes excerpts from a few of her best selling books (Having A Mary's Heart in a Martha World for example) and turns them into a devotional to challenge the heart and mind, bring us back into a relationship with God that we all deep down desire.
We don't have to do anything to get there: "The only requirement for a deeper relationship with God is showing up with an open heart and ready to receive." Weaver also includes a few Going Deeper areas as well as questions at the end of each day to really hone in on getting our hearts back into the God we are serving.
"The cross did more than pay for my sins; it set me free from the bondage of the 'shoulds' and 'if onlys' and 'what might have beens.' And Jesus's words to Martha are the words He wants to speak to your heart and mine: 'you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed (Luke 10:41-42)
The 'one thing' is not found in doing more.
It's found by sitting at His feet." (pg 4)
I didn't get to take the time to do this as intended and maybe if I did it would have been more for me. This wasn't at all what I was expecting. It's just a reworking of her other books into a devotional. She pulled apart some good books to make a years worth of separate daily readings. I feel, in doing that, she took away from the the power of her other books, especially Having a Mary's Heart in a Martha World. It seemed choppy and the flow was lacking. Don't get me wrong, her message is an important lesson we all need to learn. But you can get it with more passion and power in her other books.
Disclaimer: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah for this review. All opinions expressed are my own.