Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Book Review:: The Passionate Mom

Susan Merrill is the director of iMom, a online resource for inspiration, information, ideas and insight for moms. She has been asked countless times what makes a mother the best she can be. She never guessed she would find the answer in the book of Nehemiah. Frankly, I thought she was digging kind of deep with this one but why not! The Bible has the blueprint for parenthood, right? Why not some little Old Testament book.

The Passionate Mom takes a very close look at the qualities of Nehemiah and his reactions and pro-actions to the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem. Merrill also takes the concept of building the actual wall into motherhood: "You are the wall and the gates, the protection from the world and the provider of training for life in the world..." She helps moms build their walls brick by brick and mortar by mortar.

There are ten bricks, ten qualities of Nehemiah, that build the wall around our children. Within the ten bricks are the mortar, the glue that holds the bricks together. For example, the first brick is perception. To be perceptive, a mom must have alertness, availability and attentiveness, the mortar. Each chapter is dedicated to a brick and mortar and guides a mom with examples, confessions and ideas on how to use it within her child's life.

The gates have a chapter all to themselves. Merrill shows you how to open and close them to test your child's readiness for the world. She gives five rules to remember when you come to a gate in your child's life. As well as ten gates that can lead to independence, that really train your child for the future. You can't keep your babies walled up forever, they're going to grow and leave, now is your chance to train them for the flood gates.

This book is so jam packed with wonderful guidance to become the best mom that you can be. Ideas that are biblically based, God honoring and actually doable! It's not a quick read. It's one that you must reflect on if you truly want to be the best you can be. If you're looking for direction in motherhood or a pick me up when you get bogged down, this is the book for you!!

Disclaimer: I received this book from for this review. All opinions expressed are my own.