Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Resolution in Our Home

A firm decision to do or not do something

I debated blogging about this book because it was such a personal journey. Hubby and I did it together and were truly blessed by it. We're now just waiting on our plaques to sign and hang up in our dining room. I have decided to share this with you because we were so incredibly blessed and I highly encourage you (married or single) to do this with your family. Don't take it light hearted though. This is serious stuff. Life altering stuff. Not just to be dabbled in but truly coming before God and allowing Him transform you. 

If you've seen the movie Courageous  you know what I'm talking about when I say Resolution. The men in this movie decide to make a covenant with each other and God to be the best fathers they can, to provide their families with love, and lead their families as God has ordained. They sign it in front of each other, their families and their Pastor. The movie is a call to all men to step up and be men of God. To turning around the failings of society. To become a godly beacon of Light for others to see. It truly is a powerful movie. If you haven't seen, please do. Married or not it will bless you.

Along with the movie there are resources for men and women. The Resolution is just one of them and is the exact one they use in the movie. The devotional takes you through the things that challenge a family the most; being content in whatever circumstances, truly loving your spouse and children, leaving a legacy to point future generations to God are just a few. There is so much to meditate on, talk to God about and allow God to work with. I can't even begin to explain what goes on in your heart while you do this. 

It takes time but worth it. Hubby and I started our journey at the end of February and we're just getting to the end and ready to sign our resolutions. 

1 comment:

  1. Brennan is going through the men's Resolution with his two best friends and I'm hoping to get the women's one soon! Glad to hear it's worth it! :0)
