Falwell takes you through the ministry of Christ during his roughly 1000 days of teaching, preaching, healing and loving. It sounds overwhelming but really it's not. (If I could have read it all in one day I would have. Time constraints made me spread it out over a few weeks.) He takes the ministry to a whole new level. Not to level of being too hard to understand or too easy, but one that perfect, one that can explain the happening in our modern terms and lifestyle.
Falwell explains major events in Christ's life in a way we can apply to our lives not just as something amazing Christ did or said. For example, we all know the story of when Christ entered the temple and read scripture at the very beginning of His ministry. But did you know that the scripture that was read that day was planned years before? As in the leaders of the temple plan out their sermons years before. How amazing it is that Jesus read Isaiah 61?
"A hush probably fell over the room as He rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant beside the table in the center of the room, and sat down...how would He interpret what He just read? He said 'Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing' (Luke 4:21)...Jesus chose that small group in His hometown to announce 'I am the Messiah. I am the One who will do all these things Isaiah wrote about..." (pg 19.)
Falwell also takes you through the storms, the hypocrisy, His radical love, all the way through the cross and resurrection. He shows you ways to mold your life into a way that you could be living Christ's 1000 days, seeking Him, being like Him.
Disclaimer: I received this book through booksneeze.com for this review. All opinions expressed are my own.
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