Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Book Review:: Monday's with My Old Pastor

This is what you'd call a highlighter book (I struggled against it because I love to pass these books along and I'd rather have the next reader decide what they feel is 'highlighter' worthy). The quotes from this Pastor could cover a wall. If you write them all down, you'd be violating copyright laws! I wish I could give you more quotes but I can't decide which ones to write. The wisdom in this book is beyond comprehension. It's one you'll need to take your time reading, mediating and praying for it to seep into your own life and soul.

Monday's with My Old Pastor chronicles the journey of Jose Luis Navajo through the struggles we all face at some point in our lives. Navajo is a pastor who suffered from the medically diagnosed disease of 'burn out'. He was at a point in his ministry and life where he felt he just couldn't finish, just couldn't go on. He was ready to give up, ready to say this was not what God had called him to do even after many fruitful years. Through the urging of his wife, Navajo schedules a meeting with his aging Pastor. The man who first led him to the ministry. Every Monday, for about 12-13 weeks, the men met. Through stories of personal growth, age old stories fables, and, most of all, a life the bleeds the cross, Navajo comes away with a renewed love for God and His calling. Even in the face of death, the "old Pastor" held the cross in front of him:

"I was born in the shade of the cross. I want to live anchored to it, and may it be the ladder that lifts me up to His presence when my time comes."

I cannot say enough about this book. There is no way I could put into words the wisdom this man held and passed to future generations. There is convictions, hope, tears and pure honesty. I cannot write the thoughts and feels I had while reading this book. They swirl about daily in my mind. They convict. Even if you're not at the point of giving up your faith, you feel like you've lost it already, this book is for you. It doesn't matter how much you know. It doesn't matter if you have the Bible memorized front to back. It doesn't matter how long you've been a Christian, how long you've preached the Word. This book will scream that you can never know enough

Soak up this wisdom. True, pure wisdom is hard to find these days. 

How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver.
Proverbs 16:16

Disclaimer: I received this book for free from booksneeze.com for this review. Opinions expressed are my own.

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