Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Place's You'll Go:: The National Zoo

Our family loves animals.

My one year old knows a lot of animal sounds with her favorite being the elephant (trunk and everything). The cow comes in a close second.

A group of our friends decided to go to the National Zoo in Washington DC in mid-July (yes, I'm a little behind!). I jumped on the chance to take Baby to see her beloved animals.


They had wonderful exhibits. Fun animals.

And lots of cooling stations. I don't recommend going in mid-July when it's 100+ degrees. Go in the spring or fall. The animals will be more willing to be seen in their natural habitats rather than through glass in a cool building. Plus you won't almost die of heat exhaustion.

Best of all:


All you have to pay for is parking and it's about $22 a car. We had ever seat filled in a van so $22 for 7 of us. Not too bad!

Of course a trip to DC wouldn't be complete without checking to see if the President was home!

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