With Valentine's Day just around the corner I was very excited to receive this book. And it didn't fail! It was probably the cutest book I have read (besides children's books). It is jam packed with little facts about love, history of traditions and ideas on how to revamp your relationship with your spouse.
This little book, Everything Romance by David Bordon and Tom Winters is a fun, quick read. Inside they have chosen numerous quotes about love to get your mind thinking. One of my favorites is found on page 91: "Love isn't like a reservoir. You'll never drain it dry. It's much more like a natural spring. The longer and farther it flows, the stronger and deeper and clearer it becomes" by Eddie Cantor. How thought provoking and true!!
The authors also include little known facts, 'did you know', and love busters and boosters. Did you know that Thomas Edison and his wife Mina used Morse-code at parties and he even proposed to her using Morse-code?
Recipes and stories are littered throughout. Some stories are Bible stories retold in language that reads like a story. Others are about historical figures or every day people.One story I loved. It was the story of Annie Oakley and Frank Bulter (pg 104). Did you know Butler let Annie Oakley shoot a cigarette out of his mouth!? Talk about trust! Other fun facts include conversation starts for couples on page 127 and the top 100 love songs of all time. I would tell you what the top song is but I'd rather have you read the book.
As I said before this is a small book. One you can stick in your purse or backpack and read at the bus stop, lunch break or while rocking your sleepless, teething child to sleep (guilty!). It will have you smiling, and crying. You'll recognize yourself in some of the stories. Or you'll pick up an idea for dessert tonight for your husband. You'll be convicted and encouraged. Amazed and stunned. It's just a great little book!
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Disclaimer: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multomah Publishing for this review. The opinions expressed are my own.
Sounds like an interesting and fun book. Great review. :O)