Monday, February 6, 2012

The Help

Most of the books I'll be reviewing will be shipped to me specifically for that reason but this one is just too good not to review and tell you all about!!!

I couldn't put this book down. The Help by Kathryn Stockett is a must read. I know I'm a little behind the times and probably most of you have read this (hey, I have a 5 month old baby!) but I'll tell you anyway it's just that good.

It's set in Jackson, Mississippi (yes I sang the song while typing) during the 1960s. The book focuses on the experiences of two black maids and a white woman as they go through life on a regular basis.

Aibileen and Minnie are maids, or the help, to middle and upper class white families. Skeeter is the daughter of a cotton "plantation" owner and was raised by her mothers help.

The story knitted between these women starts as a casual nod or glance between races. It ends in a beautiful friendship full of love and secrets. They overcome. Overcome differences in skin color. Overcome the disgrace of being friends. Overcome the hurt of healing wounds from years past. Together. In a world that would kill them for doing just that. Literally kill them for talking to each other. But they take the chance so their children and their white children can live in a better world. They defied culture.

I could just keep going. On and on but I don't want to give away much if you haven't read it or seen the movie. Go do it!!!! Go get it!!!!


  1. Which publishers are you reviewing for? I'm doing it for three as of now, but if you know of others, I'd LOVE to know! :)


    I tried booksneeze but because my original blog was private they told me no until I got a few books done. But I found this other one and I'll be getting my first book next week.

  3. Okay! I do booksneeze, NavPress, and Waterbrook-Multnomah. :)
